Saturday, October 6, 2007

世上只有妈妈好试听,歌曲世上只有妈妈好mp3下载,歌词 - 金色童年

世上只有妈妈好试听,歌曲世上只有妈妈好mp3下载,歌词 - 金色童年

All Mother's love 世上只有妈妈好



As a mother to be this feeling is getting stronger everyday.Being in a foreign country for more than 10 yrs,family is what i missed most(not that we're in a good relationship,but blood is always thicker than water)I learnt how to appreciated them more,unfortunately i see ppl still not loving their one and only FAMILY............

Do u all hv this "crying" feeling when u hear this song?(of cause a chinese,or someone who understands)i do.........Hope everyone hv......hv the compassion for their family,their friends and all living things on earth.........

Went pre-natal yoga yesterday,one of the canadian french lady says that her "fetus"(already 5 months preggie) feels like an alien to her.......

I dun feel really attached to my bb hayley yet(wait till i see the real evil,kekekkekek) but i dun think its an alien too,"fetus" is a medical term for them in 5 mths,but.......they're already consider your growing BABY.I hope she won't get pre-natal blues etc........

Whether its a WANT or NOT,if they choose us as their FAMILY MEMBERS......we hv to accept the fact,cause somehow,they return in different places,occasions,or our next life to be with us again

Monday, October 1, 2007


watched this show w my dad,both cried when i asked him kekkekeke,abit "lian" but this is singapore,our home ,our identity which we all cannot deny.Nice show,we both like it.

My SG drama supplies(twn/kor too!!!) - Zero To Hero